Spicy Roasted Cauliflower Curry

Spicy Roasted Cauliflower Curry
Spicy Roasted Cauliflower Curry. Craving a hearty, healthy meal that’s kind to your waistline? Look no further than this fiery roasted cauliflower curry!
This dish is a flavorful twist on a classic, swapping out meat for protein-packed cauliflower steaks. The result? A satisfying, Slimming -friendly curry that’s packed with spices and bursting with flavor.

Here’s what makes this recipe special:

Roasted cauliflower steaks: Forget boring boiled cauliflower! Roasting infuses the florets with deep, caramelized notes and creates a satisfying texture.
Creamy, spiced curry sauce: Rich in flavor yet light on calories, the curry sauce is bursting with aromatic spices and gets a boost of creaminess from blending some of the cauliflower.
Easy and adaptable: This recipe comes together quickly and is easily customizable. Add other vegetables, adjust the spice level, or swap brown rice for white for a more nutrient-rich twist.

Spicy Roasted Cauliflower Curry
Craving a hearty, healthy meal that's kind to your waistline? Look no further than this fiery roasted cauliflower curry!
This dish is a flavorful twist on a classic, swapping out meat for protein-packed cauliflower steaks. The result? A satisfying, Slimming World-friendly curry that's packed with spices and bursting with flavor.

Here's what makes this recipe special:

Roasted cauliflower steaks: Forget boring boiled cauliflower! Roasting infuses the florets with deep, caramelized notes and creates a satisfying texture.
Creamy, spiced curry sauce: Rich in flavor yet light on calories, the curry sauce is bursting with aromatic spices and gets a boost of creaminess from blending some of the cauliflower.
Easy and adaptable: This recipe comes together quickly and is easily customizable. Add other vegetables, adjust the spice level, or swap brown rice for white for a more nutrient-rich twist.

2 large cauliflowers, leaves reserved (tough outer leaves discarded)

2 tablespoons mild or medium curry powder

Low-calorie cooking spray

1 large onion, finely chopped

500 milliliters hot vegetable stock

300 grams dried long-grain rice
Preheat oven to 200°C (fan 180°C, gas 6).

Prepare the cauliflower steaks: Stand each cauliflower upside down and cut away the sides of the stalk to create flat "steaks." Remove the lower stalk and halve each steak for thinner pieces. Chop remaining cauliflower bits into small chunks.

Season and roast the steaks: Rub the 4 cauliflower steaks with 1 tablespoon curry powder and place them on a non-stick baking tray. Lightly spray with cooking spray and roast for 30 minutes. Add the reserved leaves for the last 3-4 minutes of roasting.

Simmer the curry sauce: While the steaks cook, combine the cauliflower chunks, onion, vegetable stock, and remaining curry powder in a saucepan over high heat. Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes.

Cook the rice: Follow package instructions to cook the rice, then drain and keep warm.

Blend the sauce and season: Remove about 4 large spoonfuls of cauliflower chunks from the pan and set aside. Blend the remaining sauce with a hand blender or food processor until smooth. Season to taste and return the reserved cauliflower chunks to the pan.

Assemble and serve: Divide rice between plates, top with the flavorful curry, and crown each serving with a crispy cauliflower steak and a few roasted leaves.
For a richer flavor, add a tablespoon of coconut oil to the onion while sautéing.

Adjust the spice level to your preference by using more or less curry powder.

Serve with a dollop of low-fat yogurt or a sprinkle of chopped fresh cilantro for added garnish.

This recipe is easily adaptable to other vegetables. Try using broccoli florets, sweet potato slices, or bell peppers instead of cauliflower.

For a thicker sauce, blend fewer cauliflower chunks or mash them roughly with a fork before adding them back to the pan.

Add your favorite vegetables, such as chickpeas, bell peppers, or spinach, to the curry for extra texture and nutrients.

Adjust the curry powder amount to your spice preference.

Top with fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley for an extra burst of flavor.

Enjoy this delicious and healthy vegan curry!
Slimming Notes:
This recipe is free on all Slimming plans.

Be mindful of the type of curry powder you use, as some may contain added sugar or oil. Opt for a low-syn option.

Consider using brown rice instead of white rice for added fiber and nutrients.

Feel free to adjust the serving size to fit your individual needs and Syns budget.

Enjoy this delicious and healthy Slimming World-friendly curry!

About Time:

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Timle: 45 mins
  • Total Time: 1 hour
  • Yield  Serves 4
  • Free

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