Chocolate-Orange Segments Recipe

Chocolate-Orange Segments Recipe

There’s something so special about homemade Christmas treats .
These delicious orange slices are ideal for sharing at festive celebrations, or enjoyed with a cuppa at home . While we’ve dipped ours in chocolate with popping candy and coconut, you could top them with so much more… fruit, nuts, sprinkles – the possibilities are endless

About Time:

  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 15 mins
  • Total Time: 30 mins
  • Yield: Makes 36
  • Slimming World: 1 Syn each


  • 100g plain milk chocolate
  • 4 Fresh oranges, peeled and segmented (you need 36 segments in total)
  • 30g popping candy
  • 30g desiccated coconut


  1. Begin by carefully peeling and segmenting fresh oranges, ensuring to remove any pith.
  2. Put the chocolate in a deep microwaveable mug or bowl and ping it in the microwave at 30-second intervals until melted, then leave to cool briefly.
  3. Take each orange segment and dip it into the chocolate mixture, ensuring a thin and even coating. Place the chocolate-covered segments on a parchment-lined tray.
  4. Sprinkle the popping candy over half of the remaining segments and the coconut over. Put to one side until set.
  5. Allow the chocolate to set by placing the tray in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.


  1.  The freshness of the oranges is crucial for the recipe. Select ripe, fresh oranges to ensure a juicy and flavorful result.
  2.  Peel and segment the oranges before you start the recipe. This will help streamline the process, making it quicker and more efficient.
  3.  When segmenting the oranges, make sure to remove all traces of pith. This not only enhances the appearance of the chocolate-orange segments but also prevents any bitter taste.
  4.  Dip each orange segment into the melted chocolate, ensuring a thin and even coating. This will create a perfect balance between the sweetness of the chocolate and the citrusy flavor of the oranges.
  5. Allow the chocolate to set properly by placing the tray in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. This step ensures that the chocolate coating hardens, giving the segments a satisfying crunch.
  6.  Store the chocolate-orange segments in an airtight container in the refrigerator to maintain freshness. They can also be a wonderful homemade Christmas gift if packaged beautifully.
  7. Enjoy making and sharing these delightful treats during the festive season!

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