Slimming World Shamrock soup

Slimming World Shamrock soup

Indulge in a culinary adventure with our delectable Vegan Potato and Spinach Soup,
This plant-based delight serves as a testament to the seamless fusion of wholesome ingredients and culinary creativity. this soup is not only a feast for the palate but also a celebration of health-conscious indulgence. Join us on a journey of aromatic sautéed onions, garlic, and fresh sage, blended with tender potatoes and nutrient-packed spinach.
Topped with whimsically shaped wholemeal croutons, this soup is a delightful culinary masterpiece that caters to both taste and aesthetics. Discover the joy of preparing a freezer-friendly batch, offering a convenient and savory respite on any occasion.

About Time:

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 35 mins
  • Total Time: 45 mins
  • Serving Size: 4
  • Slimming World: 3 Syns


  • Low-calorie cooking spray
  • 2 finely chopped red onions
  • 3 crushed garlic cloves
  • 15g fresh sage leaves
  • 500g large potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 1.5 litres vegetable stock (vegan-friendly)
  • 250g baby leaf spinach
  • 4 slices wholemeal bread from a small 400g loaf


  1. In a large saucepan, spray low-calorie cooking spray and heat it gently. Add the onions and cook for 2-3 minutes. Stir in the garlic and sage, add 4 tablespoons of water, and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes or until the water has evaporated.
  2. Add the potatoes and stock. Bring the mixture to a boil, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Stir in the spinach and cook for an additional 5 minutes or until wilted. Use a stick blender to purée the mixture or process it in batches in a food processor. Season to taste and keep it warm.
  3. For the croutons, toast the bread and cut out 3 shamrock shapes from each slice. If a shamrock cutter is not available, circle, square, or any other shaped croutons will work just as well. Cut the remaining bread into small chunks.
  4. Divide the soup among bowls, grind some black pepper over it, and garnish with the croutons before serving.


  1. Spinach Addition: Add the spinach towards the end of the potato cooking time to preserve its vibrant color and nutritional value. Be mindful not to overcook, as this can lead to a loss of nutrients and a duller color.
  2. Seasoning Sensibly: Season the soup after blending to taste, as the flavors can intensify during cooking. This allows you to have better control over the final taste.
  3. Crouton Creativity: Get creative with the croutons. Experiment with different bread varieties or add a sprinkle of herbs or nutritional yeast for extra flavor. Ensure the croutons are toasted to a golden brown for a satisfying crunch.
  4. When serving, consider drizzling a small amount of olive oil on top for added richness. Garnish with a few fresh sage leaves or a sprinkle of chopped herbs to elevate the visual appeal.
  5. Prepare the soup in advance and freeze in portion-sized containers. This way, you can conveniently thaw and reheat for a quick and healthy meal whenever needed.
  6. Consider serving the soup with a side salad or a dollop of vegan yogurt for added texture and variety.

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