Slimming World Banoffee Pie

Slimming World Banoffee Pie

Satisfy your sweet tooth without the guilt with this low-syn Banoffee Pie recipe. By using healthier ingredients, such as toffee yogurt and low-fat spread, you can enjoy a delicious dessert while staying on track with your weight loss goals.

About Time

  • Total Time: 35 minutes plus 4 hours chilling


  • 60g: low-fat spread
  • 10:  reduced-fat digestive biscuits
  • 2 x 12g:  sachets powdered gelatine
  • 250g:  plain quark
  • 3 x 160g:  pots Mullerlight Toffee yogurt
  • 1 tbsp:  sweetener
  • 1 tsp:  vanilla extract
  • 2 egg:  whites*
  • 2:  bananas
  • 2: level tsp cocoa powder, for decoration

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