Curry Butternut Squash Lentil Soup


  1. In a large, deep, non-stick saucepan, combine the red split lentils, butternut squash chunks, ground turmeric, medium curry powder, hot vegetable stock, grated ginger, and crushed garlic. Season lightly and place the saucepan over medium heat. Bring the mixture to a simmer and cook for approximately 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, until both the lentils and squash have softened.
  2. Use a stick blender to blitz the soup until approximately half of it is smooth, and the other half retains a chunky texture. Keep the soup warm over a low heat.
  3. In a separate non-stick frying pan over medium heat, add the black or brown mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and lightly crushed coriander seeds. Toast these spices for 2-3 minutes, shaking the pan frequently until they become fragrant. Be cautious, as the mustard seeds may start to pop.
  4. Transfer the toasted spice mix to a bowl and combine it with the lemon juice and a pinch of salt.
  5. To serve, ladle the soup into 4 bowls and serve it hot. Top each serving with the toasted spice mix, finely chopped green chili, and the sliced fresh mint leaves.


  1. Peeling and cutting butternut squash can be a bit challenging. To make it easier, you can microwave the whole squash for a few minutes to soften it slightly before peeling and cutting it. This will make the process less daunting.
  2. When using a stick blender to blend the soup, be careful not to overdo it. You want a balance between smooth and chunky textures, as this adds depth to the soup.
  3. To enhance the citrusy flavor, consider adding a little bit of lemon zest in addition to the lemon juice when making the spice mix.
  4. This soup is great for meal prep. Make a larger batch and store it in portions for quick, healthy meals during the week.
  5. If you have leftovers, the soup can be stored in the refrigerator for a few days. Reheat it gently on the stove or in the microwave.
  6. Enjoy your homemade butternut squash and lentil soup!

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