Beef Quarter Pounders Recipe


  1. Preheat the grill to a medium heat.
  2. Create a paste by grinding together the garlic, mustard seeds, and salt using a pestle and mortar or the end of a rolling pin.
  3. Place the garlic paste in a large bowl, then add the beef, onion, pepper, tomato purée, Worcestershire sauce, and chilli. Mix thoroughly using your hands until well combined.
  4. Divide the mixture into 4 portions and shape each portion into a patty.
  5. Arrange the burgers on a grill pan, positioning them at the furthest point from the heat source. Grill for approximately 20 minutes or until cooked through, flipping them halfway. If the burgers are cooking too quickly, reduce the heat.
  6. For a tasty serving suggestion, enjoy these burgers in wholemeal rolls (considered a Healthy Extra ‘b’ choice). Serve them with an abundance of salad and a small amount of fat-free natural yogurt.

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