Carrot Cake-Roll With Cream Cheese Filiing


Cake Preparation:

  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and line a 15×10-inch jelly roll pan with parchment paper, leaving some overhang on the sides.
  2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cinnamon, baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves.
  3. In a large bowl, mix the eggs and sugar until well combined.
  4. Add the canola oil, vanilla extract, and shredded carrots to the egg mixture and blend until thoroughly mixed.
  5. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the large bowl and fold until incorporated. Stir the batter until well combined and pour it into the prepared jelly roll pan, spreading it evenly.
  6. Bake for 15 minutes, then use the overhang on the sides to lift the cake from the pan.
  7. Transfer the cake to a long wooden cutting board and carefully roll it lengthwise. Place the rolled cake on a cooling rack and let it cool completely.

Filling Preparation: 8. In a medium bowl, whisk together the sugar, butter, vanilla extract, and softened cream cheese until smooth and fluffy.

  1. Gently unroll the cooled cake and spread the filling evenly over the surface.
  2. Roll the cake tightly and wrap it with plastic cling wrap. Chill in the refrigerator for 60 minutes before serving.

Glaze Preparation: 11. In a mixing bowl, combine the glaze ingredients and whisk until smooth. Drizzle the milk glaze over the cake before slicing and serving.

  1. If you believe making a cake roll is a challenging task, you’re mistaken. Creating cake rolls is surprisingly simple and incredibly enjoyable to indulge in! And this recipe serves as evidence of that. So, go ahead and have a delightful time!

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