Crispy Air Fryer Potato Chips Recipe

Crispy Air Fryer Potato Chips Recipe

This recipe is for delicious and crispy homemade potato chips made using an air fryer. It is a quick and easy way to make chips without the need for deep frying in oil.
The potatoes are cut into batons, and then cooked in the air fryer until tender and crispy. The end result is a healthier and more nutritious version of the classic potato chip that can be enjoyed as a snack or a side dish with your favorite meal.


Crispy Air Fryer Potato Chips Recipe

About Time:

  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins plus 15 mins soaking
  • Total Time 40 mins
  • Serves: 4
  • Free

Slimming Tips:

  • This recipe is a Free food on the Slimming plan, meaning you can enjoy it without counting syns.
  • If you find your chips are browning too quickly, reduce the cooking temperature to 180°C (350°F).
  • For extra crispy chips, you can preheat the air fryer basket for a few minutes before adding the potato slices.
  • Let the chips cool slightly before seasoning, as this helps the spices adhere better.
  • I hope this recipe helps you enjoy delicious and crispy potato chips that fit your Slimming plan!

Go to the next page to get the Ingredients

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