A Classic Comfort Food: Tomato Basil Soup


  1.  Heat a large non-stick saucepan over medium heat. Add the chopped onion, carrots, and celery, and cook until the onion softens and turns translucent.
  2.  Add the minced garlic and cook for an additional minute, allowing the flavors to meld and develop.
  3.  Pour in the hot vegetable stock and bring the mixture to a gentle boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for approximately 20 minutes, allowing the vegetables to tenderize and infuse with the stock’s warmth.
  4.  Stir in the chopped ripe tomatoes, diced canned tomatoes, passata, and deseeded red bell pepper. Continue simmering for an additional 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld and harmonize perfectly.
  5. Remove the soup from heat and stir in half of the fresh basil leaves. Using an immersion blender or a regular blender, blend the soup until it reaches a smooth and creamy consistency.
  6.  Season the soup with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, adjusting to your preference.
  7.  Divide the soup into bowls and garnish each serving with the remaining fresh basil leaves, adding a burst of color and aroma.
  8.  Savor the rich and vibrant flavors of this classic tomato basil soup, letting the harmonious blend of ingredients transport you to a world of culinary delight.


  • Embrace High-Quality Tomatoes: The quality of your tomatoes plays a significant role in the overall flavor of the soup. Opt for ripe, flavorful tomatoes, preferably heirloom tomatoes, for an extra burst of sweetness and complexity.
  •  Sautéing Matters: Devote time to sautéing the vegetables until they soften and become translucent. This caramelization process enhances their natural sweetness and depth of flavor, contributing to the overall richness of the soup.
  •  Simmer Slowly: Low and slow cooking allows the flavors to meld and intensify, resulting in a more flavorful and satisfying soup. Resist the urge to rush the simmering process; let the magic unfold gently.
  • Use a Versatile Passata: Passata, a smooth tomato puree, thickens the soup and intensifies its tomatoey flavor. However, if you prefer a thinner consistency, you can reduce the amount of passata or adjust it to your liking.

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